Responsible Gambling

Recreational gaming was never intended to be high risk, and understanding this concept involves the application of sensible behavior.  Setting limits on your spending and establishing guidelines to govern your behavior will ensure that you enjoy this form of recreation with peace of mind.  You can achieve this goal by knowing and setting your limitations in gambling activities.

Characteristics of Responsible Gambling

Low risk gambling has a predetermined acceptable limit for losses.  Consider any money you spend on gaming an entertainment cost and determine what cost you can afford in relation to income and other expenses.

Remember that low risk gaming is recreational and the benefits are found in the thrill of taking a chance and winning.  It is dangerous to adopt financial gain as the sole motivation for gaming.  Gaming is not a means of getting you out of debt.

Danger signals (When gaming is no longer a game)

Gaming does not pose a problem for most people, however for a small percentage, it can become a problem.  Our aim is to help you identify potential risk factors and we have highlighted possible areas of concern for consideration.

  • Lying to cover up extent of gaming
  • Gaming affects your marriage, friendships, work and social relationships.
  • Engaging in theft, fraud or misappropriation of funds to procure money for gaming.
  • Asking for money to “bail you out” of any financial crisis caused by gaming.
  • Spending family maintenance on gaming
  • Playing with money beyond what you can afford
  • Spending money on gaming as a means of trying to repay debts.
  • Refusing to accept you have a gaming problem despite what people have told you.
  • Lying about many or all of the above.

If you can apply any of the above to your gaming habit, we urge you to seek counsel.

Seeking assistance will:-

  • Give you control of your life
  • Help you sort out your debt
  • Find support to deal with your problems
  • Give you stability at home and at work

We want you to be a responsible gambler and we are here to help you enjoy gambling not as a destructive device but as an enjoyable extension of your entertainment and leisure time.

Please contact our customer care personal for counselling referrals on :-  

+263 772 147 805 / +263 772 147 776.